Monday, March 18, 2013

Meanwhile in Wisconsin...

This isn't a real post, this is just a filler because not much was accomplished this weekend. We finally replaced the kitchen faucet but the photos are still on my camera so that will be posted later.

Did you realize that spring is in 2 days?!?! Yeah, apparently Wisconsin didn't get that memo. It's snowing here..AGAIN.  I don't usually complain about winter because it's all part of living North of the Mason Dixon line but dang  winter needs to give up already. I am ready for blooming flowers, sun on my face, birds chirping in the morning Spring!  In the meantime I'm thankful for the coziness of the woodstove and snuggles from the Brothers 3. 

Hopefully you're staying warm where you are!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

That wasn't the plan!

We've been in the house for a month now and absolutely nothing has been accomplished.  The original plan was to start renovating immediately but life happened and handed me plenty of lemons but I wasn't able to make lemonade.

We spent one weekend having to fix three vehicles. The next weekend was spent in the hospital with a severely dehydrated very sick little 19 month old boy (thanks a lot norovirus)

Thankfully! Everyone is better and all vehicles are running normal again so we should be getting back on track this coming weekend with a trip to Home Depot.  Fingers crossed!!

P.s.  Next time you need a recipe for all of the lemons that life may hand you; this is my favorite.